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CV - M.Sc. Maren Pukrop

Academic Qualification:

Since 04/2022   

University of Osnabrück
Doctoral student


University of Osnabrück
Master of Science Geoinformatics
Thesis: “CNN-Based Classification of Plant Communities in Extensive Grasslands Using Multispectral UAV-Data”

09/2015-04/2019OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Bachelor of Science Applied Computer Science
Thesis: “Konzeption eines Algorithmus zur Identifikation von Bruchpunkten in nutzungsgewichteten Straßengraphen”

Research and Work Experience:

Since 02/2022University of Osnabrück, Institute of Computer Science, Working Group Remote Sensing and Digital Image Analysis
Research assistant, Project Cognitive Weeding
03/2021-02/2021University of Osnabrück, Institute of Computer Science, Working Group Remote Sensing and Digital Image Analysis
Research assistant, Project Carpe Memoriam
03/2020-02/2021University of Osnabrück, Institute of Computer Science, Working Group Remote Sensing and Digital Image Analysis
Student assistant, Project SOIL-DE
04/2019-09/2019Municipality Höxter
Geodata Management
02/2018-05/2018University of the Free State, South Africa, Department of Computer Science and Informatics and International Agricultural Academy for Africa
Student assistant (international internship)
03/2016-03/2019OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Department of Environmental Engineering and Applied Computer Science
Student assistant